Friday, February 21, 2014

I Can Security Test!

   Your home PC has to stay secure! If you don't secure your home PC it will become open to hackers and other cyber criminals. All computers come with ports. Each port is used to connection to some service on the internet. Often times people forget to update their computers or aren't aware that their are even updates required. Many people have big ego's and believe "My computer will never get hacked. I have a Firewall" which makes it easier for a hacker to hack into. These type of people lack the knowledge and the skill set to protect their network from an advanced cyber attack.

   I can test your firewall especially on a Windows PC. All I require is a laptop and some time. I would have to do it directly from your home. Doing it from a long distance is completely illegal. Soon I may upload screenshots of me testing my own computer so that you know I am not joking around here. Many people get paid to do just the same thing. This is usually for major corporations and not home PC users. I can help you prevent virus attacks through advanced consulting. Equipped with the knowledge of network security.

    I use port scanners, network scanners, exploits, and other hacker techniques to break into your home PC to show you where the errors exist to prevent your beats, music, photos, and other things from being stolen. I've been on underground as well as above ground hacker forums. Just on the above ground hacker forums I have seen screenshots of low-level hackers actually in the command prompt of a persons computer. They even downloaded photos of their family.

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