Tuesday, June 21, 2011

LET DANNI WALK!!! [Straight 'A' Student Ban from Graduation]

Damn, the abuse of minorities never goes away. PEMG member Danielle aka "Kennedy" has been banned from attending her Senior Graduation. Now, since I don't have too much clarity on the situation I can't really say much besides what my intuition and usual accurate assentment of situations involing conflict. Aware that this doesn't co-respond previous articles in terms of content, but hey we are a general target audience on this blog. Anyway -- check out the video for more details. A minority getting banned from high school graduation seems to happen every year on Staten Island, just saying.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Norm Bates - The Weight Is Over[THAT CRACK ?!]

Norm Bates - The Weight Is Over mixtape was dropped I believe a few days ago today, though I am not sure when. What I do know is that it was sent to me for review and that is just what I am going to do. Obviously, there is not any real need to comment on the album art because many artist are indie today and can't afford the $75.00 it would take for a hi-res mixtape cover.

Production is definitely iffy, iffy. Since I don't know their budget or the equipment they may have be forced to work with the quality of some of the songs on this mixtape becomes understandable. However many of the track compiled on this particular mixtape used industry instrumentals and sample reamins unknown to me.

The specific tracks I felt that possible hit potential are tracks #8 and #11- My TimeSide ft Mello King Cajun(Prod by Norm Bates) & Ayo Solider ft Store Bang, Maine Benjamin$ . Other then what has been previously stated about this particular mixtape, I have nothing else say. With much practice and improvement followed by continous creative marketing, personal branding and promotion Norm Bates has undoubtable potential to reach independent success beyond the reach of newest mainstream artist whom are accompanied by major label resources.

Since you probably have no life like me, in the mean time check out Norm Bates music video for shot for track #10 off his The Weight Is Over mixtape called Bars On Deck featuring Ca$h :

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

JR Mint - Will Do [OFFICIAL VIDEO] Weak Video, Decent Song

JR Mint - Will Do produced by Beathove(Isn't this nigga dead)? Anyway, let's get down to it - not really my select of shooting style could of had a better slot selection in the video with more creative dynamic b-rolls. However, I see they were just looking to shoot a clean simple video and probably get to more complex things later. You know I had to point out th bad shit first so....

Ultimately, this guy has potential and if I was an A&R I would put my money on him. Why? Because my intuition never lies! We believe your bumass here at Yababa Video™

:-p !

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YoMYG.com (Not JUST another Hip Hop Blog)

YoMyG.com seems to be touring the city shooting footage of underground rap artist artist. Could this be the coming new Jesus ? Anyway, the YoMyG website host articles directly from industry sources and reliable affilates. The site also streams the YoMyG G-style(which you can watch above)! My journalism mostly isn't accurate about loose subjects, though my insight is.(I know that doesn't make sense lol)! Anyway, stating unbiasly -- they seem get top stories before other Hip Hop sites. I think I found the source of information used by major websites YAY!

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Beach - Rocky (Kind of setting the creative bar....)

I discovered HER FIRST is all I gotta say! Beach keep doing your thing! We love you here at Yababa Video™. Well we don't really love you. I'm just saying that so you can give the shout out after I post this article, but yeah the song is hot and you are definiately the next big thing no matter how flakey you are in E-mails(Unprofessional, I know. Deal with it). :-p

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Giz Presents Sound Bite (The Trailer) Co-Directed by Tristian Wilds

Giz Presents Sound Bite (The Trailer) from Etienne Maurice on Vimeo.

True Crime: Streets of LA! Giz Edition! Violence in the streets is all I can say. Good for the nigga that got shot - should have looked out the peak hole with his dumbass :-p!

Music video trailer co-directed by Tristian Wilds, better known for his role as Michael Lee on HBO®'s The Wire!

OVERALL: Starring - (the rapper, of course) character Giz commits an act of extreme violence in this video while in his raps describing his distaste for some form of opposing competition. Not trying to trivialize the video, but I can't remember the details -- I watched it about a few hours ago. Just watch the video, and find out for yourself! NOTE: TO THEM RACIST COPS! IT'S FAKE! NOW GET YA PAY RAISE!

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Monday, June 13, 2011

The Loss of The Ring


I must admit! I don't follow sports, but............this is classic! PSA: don't expect too much of these short ass post from me in the future!

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Da'modelz - Team Be Lookin' Mean (Y'all Think?)

Da Modelz ? Decent point and shoot video - branded by D.Cole aka Mr.Get Light. Does it have potential or not? You decided! Feel free to leave anonymous comments! Got music or a product you want us to review! Hit us up!

Ultimately, I believe this song has potential - I predict some kind of buzz in the future - maybe a little taste of the 15 minutes that has been seemingly circulating going around ? Feel free to leave anonymous comments! We welcome all the dialog! :-D

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