Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Yababa World™ - Where your variety is our variety

      Learning to code more - Java, C++, and other languages for game development, including hacking. I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the support you have given my vision. Shout out to Genius Designs and Erick Cash for their contribution to the show. Without them much of it wouldn't have been possible. I would like to extend my thanks to all of my fans and hidden supporters who wish to not be named.

    I would also like to thank Sweden for providing good music for me to work around. I would also love to thank Google for providing a platform like blogger for me to express myself openly on and thank them for allowing me to relaunch The Yababa Show™ where I will speak on various topics such as racism. It will be very controversial this time around - so brace yourself.

    Some episodes will be in other languages to help please an extended audience.

  Life has gotten better since the last time we spoke and I seek to take advantage of this.

I always say to my friends that I could die of cancer, but with regrets.

Till next time....