You have phone cases, mobile operating systems, boxing gloves, ect. These are all products that can be produced inexpensively. As a company you can buy these products wholesale and sell them for cheap. Great profit for you and your fellow business partners. Truly, all you would need is a logo and a product -- add your logo. Use the popularity, uniqueness and credibility of your brand to be the leverage that pushes the product to your audience.
Sell the culture that your brand brings to that particular audience or target demographic.
• Phone Cases - I remember someone telling me about phone cases that people were interested in buying and that if you set up a website you would be able to clock about $40,000 a month in sales -- that's a year's worth of pay. These days it's easy to set up a website with platforms out there on the internet. Just remember -- slap your brand on it. It customized for the particular product if you can.
• Struggling businesses - These are the best to contact about licensing their product because it's cheap and they really want to start doing business with someone fast. They will already have the products ready made for sale and all you will need to do is work out a deal to have your logo added to their products -- remember to tailor it for the particular product.
• Headphones - Not all products made in China are cheap. If they were the rest of the world wouldn't have "Made In China" plastered all over their products. Remember, how in my past articles I've been telling rappers how to market themselves through various mediums. This right here is market and profit. You don't have ot be famous to do it either. Just create a set of headphones, brand them, test them and market them. Sell them anywhere you can. Create a small commercial for them using a DSRL and Youtube®. We are talking high quality videos, high-quality branding and high quality headphones -- not just something that hangs in your ear drums.
• Mugs - People need too look important while doing there work on their nich website or blog. A mug is a sure way to look like an independent business owner without actually having to be one. Mugs can in various varieties and are super cheap to acquire without even contacting a manufacturing company. Everyone usually has a branded Mug line at some point in their business development -- an ever evolving journey.
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